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  • 7 Days Ago
    I’m practically crying as I write this because it was SO CUTE in person but just not big enough. I bought the XL in black and I’m 200 lbs, 5’3”. The only colors the company offers in XXL (which probably would fit perfectly) are white and light pink. What plus size girl wants to wear light see through colors?! None. We wear dark colors to hide rolls. This is a plea to the company: make dark colored suits in XXL pleeeeease!! Those of us with curves want to look cute too.The fabric is nice but even the black w
  • 7 Days Ago
    Great jumpsuit for the price. The blue is gorgeous. Nice weight of fabric. Bought and wore this for a Cabaret performance and got tons of compliments. Perfect length on my 5’3” frame. Dressy, but definitely needed a belt in my opinion.